Friday, December 11, 2009

Agent Appreciation Day

It’s Agent Appreciation Day! This tribute to hard-working, word-loving, plot-scrubbing, contract-scouring, career-building literary-matchmakers is the brainchild of writer Kody Keplinger. So today, I’m joining other writers in offering a great, big thank-you to my agent, who happens to be Steven Chudney. Here’s why:

1) He loves my work, and his input makes it even better. His encouragement to dig deeper and pull the heart out of each character shaped my submission and now influences my WIPs.

2) He makes me “Blink.” Every conversation leads to an ah-ha moment. Steven just makes sense – about my writing, about submissions, and about the state of the industry.

3) He is amazingly quick, responsive and decisive.

4) He’s also calm, patient and understanding.

5) He loves his dogs and much as I love mine.

So, thanks for a great beginning, Steven. I look forward to a long and happy partnership navigating through this publishing maze!

If you would like to see other postings for Agent Appreciation Day, check out Lisa and Laura Write


  1. Happy AADay! Mr. Chudney sounds wonderful. I love his website. Congrats to you both!

  2. Oh, he sounds great Judy. You probably already know this, but he just made a sale for Tess Hilmo! (Tess has an awesome blog!)

  3. I love how he makes you "blink." I so get that! Congrats to you and Happy Agent Day!

  4. Sounds like a match made in heaven! And a dog lover to boot... :)

  5. I love reading positive stuff about agents. Mr. Chudney represents great authors.

  6. Thanks for your comments, everyone. This was a fun day. I loved reading all the postings at Lisa and Laura's.

    And Corey, thanks for the update. I have seen Tess's blog, but hadn't visited this month. That is so great!

  7. Mr. Chudney sounds most excellent! I'm glad to read a little bit about him. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I long been impressed with Steven Chudney! He is the only agent to send me a letter with thoughtful, insightful suggestions for revisions even as he rejected me.

    I am sure you and Mr. Chudney will have many years of literary bliss.

  9. How lucky you are to have an agent who gets you and your work! Steven sounds fabulous.
